by Erin Candeloro Dealing with your finances can be stressful, but even more so if you don’t have a system in place. Paying your bills on time and living within your means are strong bases for staying on top of finances, but there is another aspect that is important for financial maintenance: organization! Organization is…

10 reasons why hiring a finance coach will change your life
Imagine if you were doing so well financially that you… Didn’t live paycheck to paycheck No longer had any debt payments Didn’t have to check your bank balance often because you knew you had more than enough to cover expenses Finally felt like you had something to show for all your hard earned income You…

Have a frugal Valentine’s Day with these date ideas
Valentine’s Day is almost here and some of you might be scrambling to come up with date ideas. While an expensive romantic dinner and a night out on the town is the most traditional way to celebrate, this year may be different for you. Many are struggling financially during the pandemic and also have limited…

Book Review – The Millionaire Next Door
I recently read the book titled The Millionaire Next Door, The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. The book was published in 1996 but applies just as much today as it did nearly 25 years ago. It was eye opening in that it explained the difference between two…

How to take advantage of open enrollment
Open enrollment is a time for you to see what benefits your company has to offer and reevaluate which ones you want to take advantage of. Some employees simply sign up for the same insurance plans every year without taking the time to really analyze their options, while others pore over every plan detail before…

How Much Do You Need To Save In Your Emergency Savings Account?
You paid off all your debt! Now what? If you have recently become debt free, congratulations! You may be wondering what steps to take next and what is the best way to make it happen. Debt freedom definitely creates a shift in your budget and in your financial mindset. It’s easy to start spending money…

How to manage your money when your income is not stable
So far 2020 has been a year of challenges and unpredictability, and there is no end in sight. There are so many hard working people out there who have lost their jobs and are unsure how they will be able to provide for their families moving forward. If you’ve found yourself in this position take…

How to be prepared for a recession
The world has been going mad the last few weeks due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s making a huge impact on the stock market which has people panicking. It’s also affecting thousands of businesses as people are staying home which means less money is being spent. All of these combined with several other factors could…

10 ways to celebrate when you’re on a budget
It’s always fun to celebrate an accomplishment – to treat yourself for a job well done! But the way most people celebrate is by going out to dinner, buying themselves something shiny and new, maybe even throwing a party. All of these options involve spending money, and if you are trying to be frugal while…

How to prioritize expenses during a financial crisis
What does it mean to be in a financial crisis? How do you figure out which expenses to prioritize when you’re in the middle of one? Many families go through a stressful financial period like this and it can be scary and confusing to successfully navigate through it. A financial crisis happens when your debt…